Visiting Peoples


You are warmly invited to Peoples Presbyterian Church. We are driven by the love and hospitality of Jesus Christ, and we joyfully welcome people of every belief and background. We join together in Christ-centered worship and fellowship, as well as educational and service opportunities of a small metro area church.

Who is welcome?

All people. All. We are made up of, and joyfully welcome people of...
every level and experience of faith
every race and ethnicity
every sexual orientation and gender identity
every generation
every level of economic status
every level of education
every... who else have I missed?
We do our best to welcome and embrace all as Christ does. We are not always perfect, but we certainly believe in and seek to emulate God's magnificent, wide embrace of a diverse humanity.

What to Expect

Peoples is a unique place, formed by both the theological heritage of the Reformed tradition as well as African-American traditions of faith and culture. Worship at Peoples has a traditional Protestant structure, but is casual in feel, and diverse in expression.
Music is a vital part of our effort to glorify God and connect with Christ in faith, and it's characterized by traditional organ hymns in one moment, and African-American spirituals in the next; a classic choir piece, followed by a jazz standard, contemporary gospel, rhythm and blues, or rock song.
We carve out space for children and young people to learn and engage and we exuberantly greet one another with the peace of Christ. We seek to preach sermons that are biblically-grounded, Christ-centered, inspiring to the heart and engaging of the mind, and relevant to our lives within our social and political world.

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.